There are many things to consider when taking care of the body. Different parts of the body require different habits and routines. In this article, let’s focus on one part of the body that not all women know how to properly take care of: the vagina.
*Use feminine wipes if a shower is not available, especially when you are on your period, during warmer months or when you are traveling.
*Wipe the right way, from front to back. When you wipe from back to front, you are easily transferring bacteria from the anus to the vagina. It’s a must to remember this rule.
*When wiping, use unscented and uncoloured toilet paper so as to avoid irritation.
*When removing pubic hair, use a soothing product afterwards. Regardless if you choose to wax or shave, always hydrate your skin before the procedure to prevent skin irritation.
*After showering, do not rub on the vaginal part when drying. It is best to use a soft clean towel and pat gently to dry it completely.
*Don’t use soap as it is highly alkaline and it is very aggressive for gentle and sensitive skin. When washing the vagina, use a natural intimate wash without soap, dyes or fragrances.
*Don’t wear tight underwear made from synthetic. Synthetic fabrics do not allow the skin to breathe. This leads to increased temperature and humidity in the vaginal area. Tight clothing also creates friction which causes micro tears in the skin.
*Avoid using fragrances to make it smell better. Every vagina has its own unique smell and unless there is a problem, it should not have a foul odour. Having a strong odour can be a sign of infection.
*Do not wear the same panty liner the whole day. Panty liners, in general, are not designed to be worn for prolonged periods of time. Just like synthetic underwear, panty liners prevent the skin from breathing. They irritate your skin thus, increasing the risk for infection. The same concept applies to sanitary pads and tampons, especially during the menstrual period when the blood stays in close contact with the skin. Change your panty liners, tampons and pads every 3 to 4 hours, as well as before going to bed and waking up the next morning.