The Truth About Fertility – What Every Woman Who Wants Children Of Her Own Should Know

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Before even beginning to question matters of childrearing, a woman who has made a conscious decision to bring life into this world must begin to ask questions about childbearing and fertility.

Fertility is a matter that concerns men and women alike. Men have openly talked about impotency and have bravely asked questions about treatment while women, on the other hand, have chosen to talk about it in hushed tones, even to this day.

Learning more about fertility is ultimately about understanding your body and its inner workings. Women everywhere can benefit in knowing more about their reproductive life span and can even help them make better and healthier lifestyle decisions.

We have made a run down of some the crucial truths and the most vital pieces information a woman needs to know about her fertility:


Your Age Affects Your Fertility.

It is a wide known fact that age plays a big role in fertility. Women in their 20s are at the prime of their baby-making phase and can conceive with very minimal struggles. Women who are in their 30s and older may experience some challenges when trying to conceive. Studies have shown that women are 20% more likely to get pregnant with every menstrual cycle and these odds shrink to about 5% until they reach 40.

For women who are ages 35 and above, tools such as an ovulation calculator can be of great help. This tool allows you to make a more accurate estimate on when you are ovulating.

Taking supplements and other forms of daily prenatal vitamins like folic acid can aid you in conceiving, as well. It is important to remember that these supplements need to be taken religiously in order for one to reap in its many benefits.

Medical Issues Influence Your Ability to Conceive

There are certain medical conditions that would impede a woman’s ability to conceive. Conditions wherein there is a high level of insulin or testosterone present in the body (like Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Thyroid and Adrenal Disease) can hinder one’s ability to get pregnant. In such cases, specific medical attention is needed to address the hormones that are running amok within. Doctors would often treat such conditions by boosting ovulation or prescribing medications that target these pregnancy-blocking hormones.

These medical conditions may present some challenges in conceiving but does not necessarily mean you can no longer bear a child. Studies have shown that women who have diabetes have as much chances of getting pregnant as a non-diabetic patient, given that they are taking their proper medications, are mindful of their diet and have an active lifestyle.

Choose to be fit, now.

Weight can also be a great influencer in your fertility. Both an underweight and overweight patients face the same amount of challenges in conceiving. Luckily, these issues can easily be controlled. Patients who have issues regarding their weight can opt to change their lifestyle in order to conceive more easily. For overweight patients, loosing at least 5 to 10% of their overall weight can drastically increase their odds of fertility. Patients who are underweight are more likely to conceive if they gain 5 to 10% of their current weight.

The right specialist will be able to assist you in making the necessary changes in your lifestyle. These changes require dedication and close monitoring from trained specialists who are as dedicated to the process as you are. Make sure to talk to the right fertility specialist before committing to any program.

Stop the Habit.

Smoking can affect your ability to get pregnant and the amount of time it takes to get pregnant. Studies have also shown that women who smoke reach menopause a lot earlier than those who don’t.

If you have made a conscious decision to get pregnant, you should be ready to kick this habit to the curb. Quitting can increase your chances of getting pregnant and puts you and your potential child out of risk from the dangers of nicotine.

Women who are categorized as “2nd hand smokers” (non-smokers who are constantly surrounded by smokers) have the same chances of getting pregnant as 1st hand smokers. It is important to make big changes not only within yourself but also with your surroundings. Limit your exposure to smokers and also make sure that the people around you know that the changes you are about to make are non negotiable. Making a firm stand can be difficult at the beginning but may get easier in time.

It is important to find a clinic that will not only address your medical concerns but will also look after your emotional well being. If you are serious about getting pregnant and have specific medical concerns and general questions, it is best that you get in touch with First Steps Fertility. Dr. Fay Weisberg and our team of experts can help you identify the problem and take the most appropriate medical treatment designed around your needs and lifestyle. Our services are tailored to assist you every step of the way, from beginning until conceiving.

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