Menopausal Changes You Should Prepare For


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Contrary to popular belief, menopause is not just a phase. It is a permanent shut down of the ovarian function. Women should be encouraged even before menopause hits, and especially after it does, to take better care of themselves as well as their bodies. Being aware of menopause and the changes that come with it will help improve their overall physical wellness. It can also help them mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.


During menopause, there different hormonal fluctuations occur and they can cause symptoms that can be highly irritating and sometimes, even painful. The great thing, however, is that these symptoms can be prevented or fixed.


What are the signs of menopause?

It is common for women to experience an array of abnormal vaginal bleeding, hot flashes as well as other hormone-influenced side effects due to the decreasing levels of estrogen in the body.


The first thing you might notice is that you might start having irregular periods. They can be longer or shorter with lighter or heavier bleeding, or even varying lengths of time between periods. If you notice any changes in your bleeding, see your doctor immediately to rule out abnormal medical conditions.


You might also notice your skin to be drier or your waistline become thicker at the expense of your thighs and hips.


Some women experience symptoms for over a decade while some do not have any at all, or get them for a brief time.

Your doctor can prescribe hormone or estrogen and progesterone replacement therapy as well as other means to help in alleviating or preventing uncomfortable and painful side effects of low estrogen levels.


It is common for women entering the menopausal stage to feel depressed.

Expect mixed emotions and lack of proper hormones to influence this change. Your self-esteem can be affected by your emotion fragility at this time. Due to the deficiency in your hormones, you can find sleeping to be difficult and erratic at times. This can cause confusion, irritability, angry outbursts, crying, sadness and relational problems.


You need to apply great lifestyle changes.

While it is essential for you to be aware of your own treatment, you can also ensure that the side effects of menopause will not be so bad. You can do this by making some lifestyle changes that promote an overall better health and wellness. These include quitting smoking if you are presently doing so, getting plenty of regular exercise, moderating alcohol intake, and having a well-balanced diet and daily intake of vitamin D and calcium for your bones.


Implementing such changes in lifestyle can help prevent menopause-related conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and other menopause-related illnesses.


If you need help in alleviating menopausal symptoms permanently, consult Dr. Fay Weisberg today.

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