Some couples get conceive effortlessly, while others spend months or years trying to get pregnant. Experts say that this is a mystery. However, it is a known fact that when you and your partner are in good health, the chances of getting pregnant can be high. Some lifestyle changes might improve your chances of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy. Here are some tips on how you can achieve that:
Stay away from soda and alcohol
Studies show that women who drink two or more servings of soda a day have about 16% lower fertility rate than those who don’t drink any. Experts also say that if you are planning to become pregnant, it is best to not drink alcohol at all. This also helps keep your baby’s risks to a minimum. Men should not drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week – it should be spread evenly for three days or more. Drinking excessive alcohol affects the quality of men’s sperm.
Stop smoking
Smoking is known to have many different negative effects and one of those would be reducing the chances of fertility in women – this includes second-hand smoking. A link between smoking and poorer quality sperm was also found, but not with male fertility. Stopping smoking altogether, however, will improve your partner’s health in general.
Sleep well
Sleep plays a major role in a person’s health. Going to bed early and getting quality sleep at night helps protect our mental and physical health, quality of life, and safety. When increasing your chances of getting pregnant, it is essential, too. A research suggested that women who are undergoing IVF treatments see better results when they sleep for seven to eight hours regularly.
Brush regularly
One Australian research done in 2011 shows that gum disease can actually add an extra two months to the time a normal person takes to become pregnant. Not only that, a lot of oral conditions can also be a symptom of more complicated diseases. If you are having oral problems while trying to get pregnant, it is best to address those concerns first.
Exercise appropriately
Exercise is good for the body and that’s a fact. However, there are certain kinds of exercise that might be too strenuous, therefore decreasing the chances of getting pregnant. A study shows that thin women who tend to work out vigorously for five hours a week or more are less likely to get pregnant. It is best to ensure that you are not straining yourself too much if you are planning on conceiving.
The mentioned tips are just lifestyle changes that increase the chances of getting pregnant according to various research and studies done by the experts. If you feel like you need to know more about how you can conceive, talk to an expert like Dr. Fay Weisberg, MD, FRCSC of First Steps Fertility.