Egg cryopreservation is a process by which a woman’s eggs are frozen and stored for later use. This procedure can be used to preserve a woman’s fertility or to allow her to delay childbearing until a later time in life.
Egg cryopreservation is a relatively new fertility treatment, and as such, there is still much to learn about the long-term effects of the procedure. However, the short-term risks associated with egg cryopreservation are low, and the process is generally considered safe.
Understanding Egg Cryopreservation
Egg cryopreservation can be used to preserve eggs for up to 10 years. There are two main methods of egg cryopreservation: slow freezing and vitrification. Slow freezing is the most common method of egg cryopreservation. In this method, eggs are slowly cooled to -196°C. This method is less likely to damage eggs than vitrification.
Vitrification is a newer method of egg cryopreservation. The eggs are rapidly cooled to a temperature of -196°C, and this method is more likely to damage eggs than slow freezing, but it is more successful in preserving eggs.
Why Opt for Egg Cryopreservation
There are many benefits of egg cryopreservation for women. One advantage is that it can help women who cannot have children naturally to have children through in-vitro fertilization. Egg cryopreservation can also help women at risk for certain genetic diseases to have children not affected by the disease. Another benefit of egg cryopreservation is that it can help women who are undergoing cancer treatment to have children later in life.
The Cost of Egg Cryopreservation
Egg cryopreservation can be an expensive process. The cost of the procedure will depend on the clinic you choose, the number of eggs you want to freeze, and the length of time you want to keep them frozen. Some clinics may offer discounts if you pay upfront or sign a contract for a certain number of years.
The cost of egg cryopreservation may seem like a lot of money, but it is essential to remember that it is a one-time expense. Once you have your eggs frozen, you can keep them frozen for as long as you want without having to pay any additional fees. This means that you can wait until you are ready to have children without having to worry about your eggs expiring.
The Success Rate of Egg Cryopreservation
The success rate of egg cryopreservation has been increasing over the years and is now considered to be a safe and effective fertility treatment option. The rate depends on several factors, including the age of the woman, the number of eggs frozen, and the method used to freeze the eggs. The success rate is also higher for women who have their eggs frozen at a younger age.
The Bottom Line
As we age, our bodies change in a variety of ways. For women, our fertility declines and it becomes more difficult to conceive. Egg freezing is a way to preserve your eggs so you can have a baby later in life, even if your fertility is not as good as it once was.
Egg freezing can give you the peace of mind of knowing that you have a backup plan if you are not able to get pregnant naturally. You should speak with a fertility specialist to see if egg cryopreservation suits you.
If you are looking for the best fertility clinic in Toronto, turn to First Steps Fertility Clinic. Dr. Fay Weisberg, a fertility doctor and innovative gynecologist, has been providing exceptional fertility services to the Greater Toronto Area. Book a consultation.